“It will probably be a few years, before I start to comprehend what is happening. Who would know. But I’m actually holding my first CD in my hands – my first album!! Tracklist contains all my singles so far: Ocean (Ocean – 1st place FeNS 2019), Ne vem, če sem v redu (I don’t know if I’m OK – EMA Fresh finale), Muza (Muse) etc…. Video is on the way also for my new songs: Ta neki neki (Je ne suis quoi), Kriptonit (Criptonite) and Daljnogled (Telescope), and I am hoping to create a special choreography for my japanese song, with the title Grom (Thunder). I can’t wait for you to hear them all! And I am anxiously anticipating the day we can all meet at LIVE performances!”
You can listen to the songs from my album on digital platforms: